Month: November 2012

I am on a bit of a bird related wave right now. Browsing through the web I found these gorgeous paintings by a Plymouth (UK) based artist. Take a look, they are really good.

Taking a break and returning to old favourites

I am having a bit of a break from the enamel painting, just until the weekend anyway.  My default craft is needle felting as I can do this on and off without worrying about brushes, paints or solvents.  These little characters are for hanging on the tree this season.

Yesterday we took the boys to see The Tales of the Night, Michel Ocelot at our excellent local Indie Cinema.   (Click on the picture and you will see what a great place it is).

The boys loved the stories and the way it was animated caught their imaginations.  Me, I was entranced. 

Tales of the Night (2D)

As a long time admirer of silhouette artists and film makers this was just perfect for me, a visual feast.  Much of the film I was watching and trying to work out how the animations had been developed and managed.

First trick table

 I do this too, with Lotte Reiniger, wondering how I could replicate and manage to animate in the same way.  I also love the work of Jan Pienkowski, with the delicacy of the blackouts married with the kaleidoscope of colour.

Kingdom Under the Sea cover

I now rather like the idea of having a go myself.  

Each picture is linked to it’s parent website so that you can explore further the subjects.


What a way to have fun.

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Thanks the generosity and guidance of Clive Hicks-Jenkins I have just had lots of fun creating these.  I can see how Clive finds this process so addictive.  I have been drawing freehand so far, not quite ready to cut stencils yet.  If you fancy your own bespoke enamel ware for camping and cooking then give this a whirl.