Month: February 2013

Bear Update

Have been playing around with the composition. One of the nicest aspects of felt is that you can cut bits off and move them around fairly successfully. I have been working the surface of the fur and the embroidered sections will make most of the … Continue reading Bear Update

For Gretel

If you ever visit my other Blog you will know that the arts and craft people I know are rallying to support Gretel Parker:

Funds for Gretel

Donna’s blog explains the whys and wherefore’s.  For anyone touched by such a tragedy it is hard enough to come to terms with the grief.  We are trying to alleviate the additional problems and ease things just a little.

Painting in Fiber

This is the first wet, needle and rolled felted piece, finished with hand stitching. It is a sample piece, sketching in fibers really. I have really enjoyed the process, although I am not that pleased with the finished picture…room for improvement here I think.

Inspiration hunt

The last few weeks have been tinged with sadness (the events of which are chronicled and expressed in my other blogspot, blog).  This rather threw the impetus to make anything out of the window.  Couple that to an incredibly intense term at school and you have a recipe for creative block.

So to try and unblock things I have been taking Tim’s camera with me from time to time, weather permitting, on the search for inspiration.  Not sure that I have completely found it yet but this is the “picture” so far.





